Holiday park news round-up

From major expansion plans to a heart-warming story, here we take a look at some of the latest news from the holiday park industry across the UK…

Big plans for St Andrews Holiday Park

Plans for the expansion of a Scottish holiday park have been put forward, which could see more jobs created locally.

St Andrews Holiday Park, owned and operated by family-owned Abbeyford Leisure Ltd, has applied to Fife Council for a change of use of neighbouring agricultural land to form an extension to the caravan park to accommodate 43 static pitches for holiday use, reports Fife Today.

A report on the proposed benefits of the expansion claims it could bring economic benefits to the area to the tune of nearly £350,000 per year – £206,000 of which would be spent away from the holiday park.

A spokesman from Abbeyford Leisure, said: “Our award-winning holiday park has been an iconic part of the St Andrews landscape for decades and has been a favoured holiday spot for generations.

“We’re one of the largest accommodation providers in the town and our guests provide a huge injection of welcome trade to businesses across St Andrews and the East Neuk. “Our plans to extend partly into the neighbouring field will not only boost local trade further, but will also create more jobs.”

Golden SandsNorthumberland holiday park celebrates Team GB’s Rio success

The beachfront Golden Sands holiday park, in Cresswell, staged the showpiece on Bank Holiday Sunday, throwing its doors open for an all-day party with live a band, dancing and picnic.

The holiday park, which is celebrating its 25th year, also layed on a magic show, inflatable rides, trampolines and a disco for the kids at the celebratory event, reports the Northumberland Chronicle.

Golden Sands owner, Nigel Thompson, said ahead of the event: “Our August Bank Holiday Party in the Parks have been fantastic fun in the past and this year is going to be bigger and better than ever before, as we celebrate not only our 25-year anniversary, but Britain’s incredible Olympic success in Rio.

“It’s a great day out for families, with plenty going on, in one of the best locations on the Northumberland coast right next to the beach at Cresswell and is a real summer

Park owner’s joy at hosting free holiday for ‘deserving family’

A family who were awarded a free holiday at a North Devon holiday park have spoken of their joy at being able to get away from “ bad memories and make new, happy ones” as their son recovers from leukaemia.

The Pinchin family enjoyed a magical break away at Hele Valley Holiday Park in Ilfracombe recently, reports the North Devon Journal.

Park owner Sandra Dovey has spoken of her joy at hosting a deserving family for a free-of-charge break this week.

Helen Pinchin works as a paediatric nurse, and Sandra said she was clearly “wonderful” with the children with whom she worked in what must be a very emotionally challenging job. She enjoyed a break with her two children, Sam, Katie and partner Andy.

Helen said: “Sam was diagnosed with leukaemia when he was three years old. There were many, many hospital visits and close calls with death, including liver failure.

“It is good to have a break from everything and from follow-up appointments and be away from bad memories and make new happy ones.

“It’s nice to spend time as a family and not worry about hospital visits – and just to be a normal family.

“Samuel is doing very, very well now – he has four-monthly check-ups, but everything is okay.”

Do you have some news about your holiday park that you’d like to us to include in our round-up? Send the details to us today via e-mail here

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