Pay Per Click (PPC) for holiday parks and campsites

It can be very frustrating to see your big rivals sitting proudly at the top of Google’s rankings, while your park or campsite languishes in the depths of search engine oblivion.

A comprehensive Search Engine Optimisation strategy is crucial but it’s not an immediate answer to an assault on the summit of the coveted heights of page 1 of Google. If you want an instant solution then there is another way… Pay Per Click (PPC).



A major shot in the arm for your business

If business is slow and you’re just not getting the enquiries or bookings that you used to – or you just want to try and stay ahead of your competitors, then PPC is worth considering.

But where do you start? If you don’t know your ‘Cost Per Click’ from your ‘Click Through Rate’ then we can help. Our team of PPC experts work with some of the biggest (and smallest) holiday parks and campsites in the country, helping them to achieve large revenues from PPC.

Sounds easy enough, but PPC requires careful set-up, monitoring and management – but the rewards can be high.

Here’s how we can help you win big with PPC…

We'll take care of everything

Complete PPC management

Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Choosing the correct keywords for your business is key. Not all keywords are created equal. Highly competitive keywords (that lots of other advertisers are targeting) will cost more than niche keywords so getting the balance right is key. We'll work with you and carry out detailed keyword research and put together a list of achievable keywords to match your budget and expectations.

Budget Setting

Budget Setting

PPC requires a healthy budget. Those with £250 to spend over the course of 12 months need not apply. The level of budget you will require will depend on (a) the keywords you're targeting, (b) the number of campaigns you plan to run, (c) where you're targeting and (d) the length of time you plan to run the campaign. Whatever your budget may be, we'll put together a comprehensive plan of action.

Ad Creation

Ad Creation

This is where you can get a little creative. Your ad content is what will entice potential customers to click and go through to your website. You can have the biggest budget in the sector, coming top of the pile in Google for all those hard-to-reach keywords, but if your advert does little to entice the user to click then all your efforts will be wasted. We'll put together engaging ad content that converts.

Measuring success

Measuring success

What are your objectives? What do you want the outcome of your PPC campaigns to be? Whether it's clicks, impressions, enquiries, sales or holiday bookings, we'll provide you with regular, detailed reports so you can easily see your return on investment. But, before spending a penny of your hard-earned money with Google, we'll spend some time making sure we can adequately track important goals and revenue through your campaigns. After all, success for us is success for you.

How else we can help you with PPC

Google is the undoubted king when it comes to PPC. Its’ search engine and platform allows you to reach millions of people, promoting your park to whichever region, demographic or audience you wish. But there are other forms of PPC, some of which can be considerably cheaper to run…

Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads)

Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads)

Google may give you maximum exposure but Bing is also a popular search engine and advertising your park or campsite on here can be a great way of getting clicks, impressions and conversions for your business. This platform works in an almost identical way to Google Ads with the same structure, techniques and requirements. We have successfully managed campaigns on here for many clients and would recommend this as an option for those who have a slightly smaller budget, with Microsoft Ads tending to cost less than Google.

Facebook & Instagram Advertising

Facebook & Instagram Advertising

Facebook is a hugely popular platform for advertisers - and you must consider advertising your business on here. Whether you've got some last-minute availability you need to push or have a plush new lodge that you need to sell, Facebook can help you (and for considerably less than Google Ads). We can manage your campaigns for you, creating ads and landing pages for your holiday campaigns or, for caravan sales campaigns, we can supply with details of interested customers, so you can follow up and chase down that all important sale. A relatively new kid on the block is Instagram and this is also something you should consider - we've seen it drive high numbers of online holiday bookings and even caravan sales enquiries.

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