2017 set to be another bumper year for holiday parks & campsites?

UK holiday parks and campsites could be set for a bumper 2017 after new research found that terrorism and health scares could put people off holidaying abroad.

The study, by family travel website FamilyBreakFinder, showed that political instability in foreign countries could also have a big impact on their chosen holiday destination.

Fears over safety and an uncertain financial outlook were among other factors that will determine how much people spend on holidays in 2017, the report found.

All this points to next year being another successful period for the so-called staycation, on the back of an expected bumper 2016 for park operators, with record numbers holidaying at home.

Looking into the report, Travel Weekly said half of those deciding to stay in the UK for their holidays next year have been influenced by events abroad.

The study also found that half of all British families will stay at a UK campsite or holiday park in 2017 – and 31% want to experience ‘glamping’.

Egypt emerged as the destination most British families would avoid, followed by Tunisia, Turkey, Brussels, Dubai, Paris, Germany, Greece, Florida and London.

And half of Britons have become nervous about air travel and using the Channel Tunnel, the study found.

Travel Weekly reported that most families expect to spend less or the same on travel next year – only 21% expect to increase their budget for holidays and breaks.

Atol protection has become more important for 61% of family travellers following the collapse of Lowcost Holidays.

holiday homes‘Surge in interest in domestic holidays’

FamilyBreakFinder founder and managing director, Dominic Sawyer, said: “As a publisher of daily travel deals, and through our large social media fanbase, we’ve noticed a surge of interest in domestic holidays and short breaks. Our members are very interested in luxury camping right now, with our UK yurt and tipi offers outstripping many of our Med holidays.

“For those members that are looking for holidays abroad, Spain and Portugal remain stable and solid performers.

“The likes of Turkey and Egypt are completely unsellable, and even places like Greece and Croatia have lost popularity,” he added.

“What’s a little surprising from this research is that Dubai, which has traditionally been a top destination for Brits, appears to have really fallen out of favour.” “Financially, these have been a tough times for most UK families and value-for-money will continue to be a top priority.

“Naturally, when it comes to Brexit, it’s the impact on travel costs that concerns families most, with higher air fares and the loss of free healthcare the biggest worries. Few seem to care what our European neighbours think of us post-referendum.”

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