Join Mike Jarvis and myself as we embark on a series of Podcasts where we discuss some tips, tricks and insights for the best in marketing for holiday parks and campsites. Throughout the Podcasts we will share some thoughts and opinions alongside industry news or topical debate.
In this episode, I go it alone and offer up some great holiday park brochure ideas. Reflecting on the past decade we as an agency have seen a decline in parks embarking on an annual holiday park brochure. With rising costs of print and postage and indeed the effort involved for what essentially is a set-in-stone product, many holiday parks have diminished their brochure efforts or indeed in some cases removed it altogether from their marketing activities.
During the episode I provide thoughts on where websites and technology lead the way and ultimately where holiday park brochures still hold a strong advantage. Learn how you can re-imagine the holiday park brochure to create a valuable companion to your digital marketing activity and how also we can use technology to make a brochure more interactive and work hand in hand with our website.
If you are considering a new holiday park brochure design for next season, or simply looking for some ideas for holiday park brochures then this could be a great listen for you!
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