Benjamin Franklin once said there’s only two things certain in life: death and taxes. Well, we can now safely add a third – that coronavirus is going to cause major upheaval for the travel and tourism industry for many months to come.
But don’t despair! There are some simple steps you can take to help deal with the crisis and mitigate against this unprecedented situation… and put your business in the perfect position to bounce back.
Here at Pitched we in are something of a unique place; we can see how dozens of the holiday parks and campsites that we look after are performing and reacting to the coronavirus. While we will never name names here, what we can say is that there are some very different approaches being taken out there… and it’s impossible to say which is right or which is wrong at this stage – only time will tell. So, what should you do? Speaking with our parks, we can offer a few basic pointers that we feel will stand you in good stead no matter how big or small your business.
In these unprecedented times we feel that now, perhaps more than ever, it’s vital for businesses to communicate. Silence really can be your worst enemy.
You may find that guests (and potential guests) don’t always want to pick up the phone but instead contact you via email, Facebook and other forms of social media. Our advice: be ready! The following tactics may well be of use.
This is a really tough question and, in the end, it may boil down to finances. We look after Google, Bing, Facebook and Instagram PPC accounts for lots of parks and, while some have paused all paid activity for now, others have continued full steam ahead.
The data we’ve seen flowing through Google Analytics is that people are still searching for holidays and, although bookings have slowed down considerably, they are still coming in. But, is there any point spending hundreds of pounds marketing to an audience about holidays when everyone’s been told to stay at home, I hear you ask? Well, maybe. Parks could consider the following options:
When some sense of normality returns to the world (and the travel and tourism sector) the marketing of your park will be extremely important.
We feel strongly that holiday parks and campsites should continue to offer some escapism at times like this. People will need something to look forward to, something that can lighten their day and provide a source of encouragement for the future. So, how do you do this?
All this activity will help invoke positive thoughts about your brand and will stand you in good stead when things do settle down.
Do you need help communicating to your guests at this challenging time? Whether it’s email marketing, website amends or social media posts, the team here at Pitched can help. Contact us today on 01726 418118 or drop us an email